Titus's Forum Games
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Rules of the Game

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Rules of the Game Empty Rules of the Game

Post by Titus Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:46 pm

Here are the Rules. These are universal to the entire game.

1. Each week the players compete in competitions to try and add money to the pot (also known as the kitty).
2. A mole, selected by Titus, is attempting to sabotage those challenges.
3. At the end of the week, players answer questions about who the mole is.
4. The player with the fewest right answers is eliminated.
5. Players will not be notified if their answers are right or wrong until post game.
6. The mole, even if he or she deliberately submits the wrong answers or no quiz at all, will not be eliminated. Ever. One Australian mole series did this and I thought that was one of the most unfair things.
7. There may be "exemptions" in play. If you have an exemption, you do not have to answer the quiz and sail into the next week.
8. There may be "jokers" which eliminate a contestant's wrong answers.
9. There may be other twists, as Titus desires. These will be explained to the players.
10. If you have questions, you may ask. Anything the mod posts in response to a question will be the truth, although I will not reveal all the twists in advance.
11. A confessional is where you tell the host what you are feeling about the challenges and what not. The mod will edit these into episodes for releasing after the game is done. A confessional is NEVER shared with anyone, including the mole.
12. A diary exists for you to take notes in. You may share your diary with others. This is not shared with others unless there is a twist.
13. The mole will be told generally who everyone suspects and may have advance knowledge of the challenges.

1. Be civil with each other.
2. If you lack access to a forum you should have access to or have access to something you shouldn't, let the mod know.
3. Any communications you have with players about the mole should be shared with Titus verbatim within 24 - 48 hours. If you have technical difficulties, you need to paraphrase.
4. There will be times where you cannot talk to other players about the game. For instance, if you are in a private room and during test taking times. Judging this will be on an honor system. Breaking this rule will have consequences for the pot and the player if broken.

List of Aliases
Name -- Mafiascum username

Alex -- Xalxe
Saint Augustine - PrivateI
Ben -- Blackberry
Brett -- Zekrom25
Dean -- Svenskt Stal
Jal -- Jal
Jason -- JasonWazza replaced by Garmr -- Garmr
Jeremy -- pickmegenius
Luigi -- Tiershift
Tony -- TonyPF replaced by Quinn --- Shiidaji
Victoria -- farside

Last edited by Titus on Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:53 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Laying out the Rules)

Posts : 166
Join date : 2014-02-01

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